
The table below shows the support status of Rspack for the built-in plugins in webpack. If you are interested in participating in the development of plugins or features that have not yet been implemented, we would be very happy to have you join us.

PluginSupport statusNotes
BannerPlugin🟢 Supported
EnvironmentPlugin🟢 Supported
HotModuleReplacementPlugin🟢 Supported
IgnorePlugin🟢 Supported
LimitChunkCountPlugin🟢 Supported
ModuleFederationPlugin🟢 Supported
NormalModuleReplacementPlugin🟢 Supported
ProvidePlugin🟢 Supported
SourceMapDevToolPlugin🟢 Supported
NodeTemplatePlugin🟢 Supported
NodeTargetPlugin🟢 Supported
ElectronTargetPlugin🟢 Supported
EnableChunkLoadingPlugin🟢 Supported
EnableLibraryPlugin🟢 Supported
EnableWasmLoadingPlugin🟢 Supported
ExternalsPlugin🟢 Supported
ModuleConcatenationPlugin🟢 Supported
NodeEnvironmentPlugin🟢 Supported
WebWorkerTemplatePlugin🟢 Supported
EvalDevToolModulePlugin🟢 Supported
APIPlugin🟢 Supported
ConstPlugin🟢 Supported
CommonJsPlugin🟢 Supported
MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin🟢 Supported
RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin🟢 Supported
ConsumeSharedPlugin🟢 Supported
ContainerPlugin🟢 Supported
ContainerReferencePlugin🟢 Supported
EntryOptionPlugin🟢 Supported
JavascriptModulesPlugin🟢 Supported
LoaderOptionsPlugin🟢 Supported
NaturalChunkIdsPlugin🟢 Supported
NaturalModuleIdsPlugin🟢 Supported
RuntimeChunkPlugin🟢 Supported
SideEffectsFlagPlugin🟢 Supported
DefinePlugin🟡 Partially supportedrspack.DefinePlugin.runtimeValue function not supported
ProgressPlugin🟡 Partially supportedOnly profile option supported
SplitChunksPlugin🟡 Partially supportedminSizeReduction, usedExports options not supported
EntryPlugin🟡 Partially supportedlayer and wasmLoading options are not supported, and filename cannot accept a function as a value
EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin🟡 Partially supportedtest, include, exclude, moduleFilenameTemplate, protocol options not supported
RealContentHashPlugin🟡 Partially supportedhashFunction and hashDigest options are not supported
DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin🟡 Partially supportedcontext and maxLength options are not supported
DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin🟡 Partially supportedcontext, test, maxLength, salt, fixedLength, failOnConflict options are not supported
DynamicEntryPlugin🟡 Partially supportedlayer and wasmLoading options are not supported, and filename cannot accept a function as a value
FetchCompileAsyncWasmPlugin🟡 Partially supportedTemporarily not exported from the JavaScript side
NamedChunkIdsPlugin🟡 Partially supporteddelimiter and context options are not supported
NamedModuleIdsPlugin🟡 Partially supportedcontext options are not supported
ProvideSharedPlugin🟡 Partially supportedTemporarily not exported from the JavaScript side
AutomaticPrefetchPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ContextExclusionPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ContextReplacementPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
DllPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
HashedModuleIdsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
MinChunkSizePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
PrefetchPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ProfilingPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
WatchIgnorePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
MemoryCachePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
RecordIdsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
JsonpTemplatePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
LibraryTemplatePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
RequireJsStuffPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
NodeSourcePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
AMDPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
RequireContextPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
RequireEnsurePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
RequireIncludePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
FlagIncludedChunksPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
AbstractLibraryPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
AggressiveMergingPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
AggressiveSplittingPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
CleanPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ContextExclusionPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ContextReplacementPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
DelegatedPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
DllReferencePlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
FetchCompileWasmPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
HttpUriPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
LibManifestPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented
SyncModuleIdsPlugin🔴 Unsupported yetTo be implemented